1973-01 |
‘Hilluq and Haqira: a Study in the Method of the Lithuanian Halakhists’, in Diné Israel Vol. IV (1973), lxix-cvi. Hebrew version, with some modifications, in Midor Dor (Jerusalem 5739/1979), 9-48. |
1975-01 |
‘Definition and Classification in the Works of the Lithuanian Halakhists’, in Diné Israel Vol.VI (1975), lxxiii-ciii. |
1980-01 |
‘Division and Reconciliation’ (The 1980 St Paul’s Lecture, London Diocesan Council for Christian-Jewish Understanding). |
1980-02 |
‘Concepts of ze neheneh in the Analytic School’, in Jewish Law Annual Vol.III (1980), 49-62. Republished in Jewish Law and Legal Theory ed. Martin Golding, International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (Aldershot, U.K: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1993). |
1983-01 |
‘Jewish Divorce Law and Contemporary Society’, in Jewish Journal of Sociology (December 1983), 131-139. |
1983-02 |
‘God the Lawgiver - Meditations on the Spirituality of Halakha’, in Spirituality and Prayer ed. Klenicki and Huck (New York: Paulist Press, 1983), 66-81. |
1984-01 |
‘Industry and the Jewish Tradition’, in European Judaism (1984/1), 23-27. |
1984-02 |
‘Political Implications of the Belief in Revelation’, in The Heythrop Journal 1984/2, 129-141. idem. reprinted in Islam in a World of Diverse Faiths, ed. Dan Cohn-Sherbok (London, Macmillan 1991), 72-87. |
1984-03 |
‘Extensive and Restrictive Interpretation of Terms in Rabbinic Hermeneutic’, in Jewish Law and Current Legal Problems ed. N Rakover (Jerusalem 1984), 37-54. (idem. in Jewish Law Association Studies Vol. I (1985), The Touro Conference Volume, 124-140). |
1985-01 |
‘Saul Lieberman (1898-1983): A Revolution in Rabbinic Scholarship’, in Survey of Jewish Affairs 1983 (London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1985). |
1987-01 |
‘Anomaly and Theory in the Analytic School’, in Jewish Law Annual Vol.VI (1987), 126-147. |
1987-02 |
‘Judisk-Kristen Dialog’ (Swedish), in Svensk Missionstidskift (1987 No.2), 15-29. |
1987-03 |
‘The Language of Dialogue in World Religions’, in World Faiths Insight (1987). |
1988-01 |
‘Is There a Jewish Theology of Liberation? A Response (to Marc Ellis)’, in The Month (July 1988). |
1988-02 |
‘The Jewish-Christian Dialogue and Peace’, Oxford Project for Peace Studies No.8 (1988) [download]. |
1988-03 |
‘Jewish Responses to the Holocaust’, in Studies in Jewish/Christian Relations No.4, (Selly Oak Birmingham 1988) (other versions, including a German one, have appeared). |
1988-04 |
‘Codification of Law’ (Jewish and Muslim Commercial Law), in The Maghreb Review Vol.13 (1988), 109-115. |
1988-05 |
‘Liberation Theology’, in Theology Supplement to Manna (Autumn 1988). |
1989-01 |
‘Church-State Relations: a Jewish View’, in The Month (March 1989). |
1989-02 |
‘Judaism and Conservation’, in Christian Jewish Relations (Summer 1989). |
1989-03 |
‘Does the Shoah Require a Radically New Jewish Theology?’, in Remembering the Future: Working Papers and Addenda, ed. Y. Bauer et alia (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989), Vol. 1, 1053-68. |