from 2000 to present

1973-01 ‘Judaism and Natural Science’, in The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, eds. J. Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck, W.S. Green (Leiden: E .J. Brill, 2000), II:960-976.
2000-02 ‘Talmud, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Approaches’, in The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, eds. J. Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck, W.S. Green (Leiden: E .J. Brill, 2000), III:1397-1410.
2000-03 ‘Transformation Through Interfaith Dialogue: A Personal Testimony’, in SIDIC 23/1 (2000), 12-16.
2000-04 ‘Zionism and Religion: The Transformation of an Idea’, in Annual of Rabbinic Judaism Vol. III (2000), 145-74.
2001-01 ‘Three Books on Jewish Faith,’ in Journal of Jewish Studies 52/1 (Spring 2001), 146-154.
2002-01 ‘Judaism and Economic Reform,’ in Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy ed. Paul F. Knitter and Chandra Muzaffar (Orbis Books, Maryknoll: New York 2002), 96-118.
2003-01 ‘Covenant,’ in From the Martin Buber House, No. 31 (Summer 2003), International Council of Christians and Jews, Heppenheim, 52-76. Spanish version: ‘Alianza’, in El Olivo Vol. 27 No. 57, (Madrid, January-June 2003), 25-55.
2004-01 ‘Jewish Orthodoxy and Dialogue: the case of Joseph Dov Soloveitchik,’ in Interreligious Insight Vol.2 No. 1 (January 2004), 19-26.
2005-01 ‘Interreligious Dialogue from a Jewish Perspective,’ in How to Conquer the Barriers to Intercultural Dialogue eds. Christiane Timmerman and Barbara Segaert (Brussels: Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes, 2005), 85-104.
2005-02 ‘Towards a Jewish Theology of Trilateral Dialogue,’ in Islam and Global Dialogue: Religious Pluralism and the Pursuit of Peace ed. Roger Boase (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005). [download]
2005-03 ‘Judaism and the Ethics of War,’ in International Review of the Red Cross Vol. 87 No. 858, (June 2005), 295-310.
2005-04 ‘Cohen on Atonement, Purification and Repentance,’ in Hermann Cohen’s Critical Idealism ed. Reinier Munk (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2005), 395-411.
2006-01 ‘Muhammad from a Jewish Perspective,’ in Abraham’s Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation, eds. Norman Solomon, Richard Harries, Tim Winter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2006), 132-139.
2006-02 ‘The Image of God in Humanity from a Jewish Perspective,’ in Abraham’s Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation, eds. Norman Solomon, Richard Harries, Tim Winter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2006),, 147-153.
2006-03 ‘Pluralism from a Jewish Perspective,’ in Abraham’s Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation, eds. Norman Solomon, Richard Harries, Tim Winter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2006), 180-189. [download]
2006-04 ‘The Environment from a Jewish Perspective,’ in Abraham’s Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation, eds. Norman Solomon, Richard Harries, Tim Winter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2006), 248-256.
2006-05 ‘Life after Death from a Jewish Perspective,’ in Abraham’s Children: Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation, eds. Norman Solomon, Richard Harries, Tim Winter (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2006), 289-297.
2006-06 ‘The ethics of war in Judaism,’ in The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations ed. Torkel Brekke. (Oxford: Routledge, 2006), 39-80.
2006-07 ‘The Baal Shem Tov’, in Jewish Journal of Sociology 48/1 and 2 (2006), 75-79 (a review article on Immanuel Etkes’ The Besht).
2006-08 ‘The Ethics of War: Judaism’, in The Ethics of War: Shared Problems in Different Traditions, ed. Richard Sorabji and David Rodin (Aldershot U.K.: Ashgate, 2006), 108-137. [download]
2007-01 ‘Religion and Human Rights with Special Reference to Judaism’, in Does God Believe in Human Rights, ed. Nazila Ghanea, Alan Stephens & Raphael Walden (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 89-105.
2007-02 ‘A Tribute to Louis Jacobs’, in Jewish Journal of Sociology 49/1 and 2 (2007), 71-79.
2008-01 ‘Heschel in the Context of Modern Jewish Religious Thought’, in European Judaism 41/1 (Spring 2008), 4-15.
2008-02 ‘Secularizing Britain’, in Caesar 2/2 (Fall 2008), 18-22.
2009-01 ‘Judaism and public Health’, in The Maghreb Review Vol.34/1 (2009), 67-74.
2011-01 ‘The Evolution of Talmudic Reasoning’, in History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (February 2011), 9-28.
2011-02 ‘Secularity and Religious Values’, in British Secularism and Religion: Islam, Society and the State, ed. Yahya Birt, Dilwar Hussain and Ataullah Siddiqui (Markfield UK: Kube Publishing, 2011), 36-44.
2011-03 ‘Pilgrimage and Peace’ for Santiago de Compostela [preprint] See also 2013-04
2011-04 ‘Introduction to Song of Songs’ [download]
2012-01 ‘A Jewish Reflection on Relations with Muslims and Islam’, in Beyond the Dysfunctional Family ed. Tony Bayfield, Alan Race and Ataullah Siddiqui (London: Manor House Abrahamic Dialogue Group, 2012), 137-146.
2012-02 ‘Method and Theory ‘: a review of Jan Assman ‘s The price of Monotheism, in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 18, 900-901 [download]
2012-03 ‘The Experience of Dialogue’, a paper read at the Second International Conference on Interreligious Relations and Ecumenical Issues at the Faculty of Theology, University of Bern, Switzerland, November 2012. [download]
2013-01 ‘The Logical Structure of Talmudic Reasoning’, a paper read at the Oxford Seminar on Orthodoxy, Theological Debate, and Contemporary Judaism, May 2013. (This is a reworking of themes in 2011-02) [download]
2013-02 ‘Natural Sciences in Judaism’, in Encylopedia of Sciences and Religion ed. Anne L. C. Runchov and Lluis Orviedo. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013 pp. 1404-13.
2013-03 ‘The Eight-Month Fetus’, in As a Perennial Spring: A Festschrift Honoring Norman Lamm. Downhill Publishing LLC: New York, 2013, pp. 445-72..
2013-04 ‘Jewish Pilgrimage and Peace’, in Pilgrims and Pilgrimages as Peacemakers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam ed. Antón M. Pazos. Farnham UK: Ashgate, 2013. pp. 39-62.
2015-01 ‘The Attenuation of God in Modern Jewish Thought’, in Melilah: Atheism, Scepticism and Challenges to Monotheism, Vol. 12 (University of Manchester and Gorgias Press: 2015), pp. 97-109 [link]
2015-02 ‘The Dialogue Experience: Reflections on a Decade of Engagement’, in From Encounter to Commitment: Interreligious Experience and Theological Engagement (IKZ-Bios Vol. 2, 2015), ed. A Berlis and Douglas Pratt, Stämpfi AG, Bern, 59-77.
2016-01 ‘Public law and traditional faith’, in The Confluence of Law and Religion: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Work of Norman Doe, ed. Frank Cranmer, Mark Hill, Celia Kenny and Russell Sandberg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, 161-174.
2018-01 ‘Judaism and Inter-Faith Relations Since World War II’ (scheduled for appearance in JUDAISM, in the series: Die Religionen der Menschheit, to be published by W. Kohlhammer (Stuttgart). [preprint]
2018-02 ‘Revelation in the Jewish Tradition’ (scheduled for appearance in the [Oxford] Handbook of Divine Revelation (OUP)). [preprint]
2018-03 ‘Salvation in Jewish Thought’ for new edition of The Biblical World (Routledge). [preprint]
2018 Review article of Shai Wozner, Legal Thinking in the Lithuanian Yeshivot: The Heritage and Works of Rabbi Shimon Shkop, for Jewish Law Annual. [preprint]
2020 Judaism and Inter-faith Relations since World War II’, in Tilly, Michael and Burton L. Visotzky (eds.), JUDAISM iii: Culture and Modernity. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2020, 198-229. [preprint]
2021-01 “Revelation in the Jewish Tradition”, in Mezei, Balázs M., Francesca Aran Murphy and Kenneth Oakes (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Divine Revelation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 371-390. [preprint]
2021-02 “Salvation in Jewish Thought”, in Dell, Katharine J. (ed.), The Biblical World 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2021, 761-781. [preprint]
2023-01 “Law and Love in Judaism”, in de Lange, Nicholas, Elena Narinskaya and Sybil Sheridan (eds.), Elonei Mamre: The Encounter of Judaism and Orthodox Christianity. London: Lexington Books, 2023, 33-44.[preprint]
2023-2 .“Return of the Gods: A Jeux d’Esprit on Idolatry in Judaism,” in Alan Goshen-Gottstein (ed.), Idolatry: A Contemporary Jewish Conversation, Brookline MA: Academic Studies Press, 2023., 312-28.