On Rabbinic Logic and Interpretation

1973-01 ‘Hilluq and Haqira: a Study in the Method of the Lithuanian Halakhists’, in Diné Israel Vol. IV (1973), lxix-cvi. Hebrew version, with some modifications, in Midor Dor (Jerusalem 5739/1979), 9-48.
1975-01 ‘Definition and Classification in the Works of the Lithuanian Halakhists’, in Diné Israel Vol.VI (1975), lxxiii-ciii.
1980-02 ‘Concepts of ze neheneh in the Analytic School’, in Jewish Law Annual Vol.III (1980), 49-62. Republished in Jewish Law and Legal Theory ed. Martin Golding, International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (Aldershot, U.K: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1993).
1984-03 ‘Extensive and Restrictive Interpretation of Terms in Rabbinic Hermeneutic’, in Jewish Law and Current Legal Problems ed. N Rakover, Jerusalem 1984. (idem. in Jewish Law Association Studies Vol. I (1985), The Touro Conference Volume, 124-40).
1987-01 ‘Anomaly and Theory in the Analytic School’, in Jewish Law Annual Vol.VI (1987), 126-147.
1988-04 ‘Codification of Law’ (Jewish and Muslim Commercial Law), in The Maghreb Review Vol.13 (1988), 109-115.
2000-02 ‘Talmud, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Approaches’, in The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, eds. J. Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck, W.S. Green (Leiden: E .J. Brill, 2000), III:1397-1410.
2011-01 ‘The Evolution of Talmudic Reasoning’, in History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (February 2011), 9-28.
2018-04 Review article of Shai Wozner, Legal Thinking in the Lithuanian Yeshivot: The Heritage and Works of Rabbi Shimon Shkop, for Jewish Law Annual. [preprint]